CFA提交charter holder member申请后,一般多久能批准?
会员相关 | 2017-08-11
CFA是“特许金融分析师”(Chartered Financial Analyst)的简称,是美国以及全世界公认金融投资行业等级证书,也是全美重量级财务金融机构金融分析从业人员必备证书。那么如何真正成为一名CFA Charter holder,我们的学员需要符合如下4个条件: 》》对于怎么成为CFA持证人还有疑问的点我咨询
1.Agree to follow the CFAInstitute Code ofEthics and Standards of Professional Conduct.同意并准守CFA职业道德操守与专业行为准则。
2.Pass the CFA Programexams for Levels I, II, and III. 依次通过CFA三个级别的考试。
3.Have four years of qualifiedwork experience in investment decision making.具备4年CFA协会认可的工作经历(何为认可的工作经历,后文会详细描述)。
4.Become aregular member of CFA Institute and apply for membership in a CFA membersociety. 申请并加入所在地分会并成为CFA正式会员。
CFA提交charter holder member申请后,一般多久能批准?
正常你在完成“步骤6+2”之后,申请人将会收到协会终的确认邮件。6-8周后Printed Charter会快递到你手中。
Step 1
Personal Profile Update更新个人信息(难度★)这部分的填写非常容易,请根据个人信息如实准确填写即可。
表格中有Display Name Format的选项(Family name, Given name OR Given name, Family name),申请人可以根据个人喜好和习惯选择在CFA证书上自己姓名的出场顺序申请提交后协会很有可能通过电话或电子邮件的形式与你个人取得联系。例如对你提交工作经验中有不明确的地方就可能通过电话或邮件请你作出进一步的解释。因此请在申请期间保持通讯畅通并时常查看。
Step 2
Education 教育背景(难度★★)
Work Experience 更新工作经历(难度★★★★)CFA协会对工作经验的要求是非常严格的。他不在乎你的公司名气有多大或你个人的title有多高,协会关注的是你工作的实质。简单来说如果你所从事的工作是利用经济的、统计的或财务的数据进行投资分析、研究、决策或投资管理,这样才是CFA协会认可的工作经历。
1. 首先请判断工作经历是否满足CFA协会要求
a.直接进行分析、投资决策的相关工作:包括但不限于评估或应用金融财务,经济,或统计数据为投资运作提供决策;涉及证券或类似的投资工作(例如IPO和PE、债券、抵押贷款及其衍生品;commodity-based derivatives和Mutual Funds;商品和其他投资资产,如Realestate和commodity,多元化的投资组合,有价证券的投资组合等)b.虽不直接参与上述工作但从事监督管理从事上述工作人员的工作c.从事教授上述a中所涉及工作内容的教学活动如果学员读到这里仍然无法判断自己所从事的工作是否能被协会认可,协会的官方网站提供了工作经验检测工具给你,请根据以下截图步骤完成检测:
点开Take the Work Experience Self Assessment进入 Work Experience Self Assessment,你会看到一系列的问题,它的核心目的在于帮助你做出判断,请根据问题描述以及个人工作实质选择回答YES OR NO.
2. 填写需关注的事项
1.Job Category 选项:建议学员根据协会提供的选项选择与自己工作贴近的职业类型。在此注意千万不要选择OTHER,选择OTHER后续解释非常麻烦。
工作职责:突出工作中和经济、统计、财务数据分析以及投资管理的关联性在工作团队中的作用:详细描述你如何在整个投资决策过程中增加价值(add value)所服务的客户类型以及客户名称
1.Client Service Representative or Relationship Manager
CFAI(CFA Institute, the same below) Description:" Responsible for all activities related to investment firm client service, including: communicating investment performance and strategy to clients and serving as a lesson between client and portfolio manager."
2.Compliance Analyst or Compliance Officer
CFAI Description: "Responsible for ensuring investment firm’s adherence to applicable laws, regulations and professional standards of practice."
3.Investment Consultant
CFAI Description: "Provides investment consulting services, including developing investment policy statements; formulating and delivering investment reviews, conducting asset allocation studies, managing client relationships; monitoring investment performance."
4.Corporate Chief Financial Officer
CFAI Description: "Responsible for determining structure and funding needs through equity, debt, and alternative investments; evaluating financial fundamentals, and making capital investment decisions."
5.Corporate Finance Analyst
CFAI Description: "Analyze financial fundamentals and capital needs for ongoing corporate operations and/or new projects; conduct long range financial planning; analyze and value possible mergers and acquisitions, asset sales and capital investment decisions. Determine and recommend funding strategies through hvarious security or financing options."
6.Investment Banking Analyst
CFAI Description: "Analyze and value securities for public offering; target and value mergers and acquisitions for corporate clients."
7.Derivatives Analyst
CFAI Description: "Formulate strategies and valuations for derivative securities."
CFAI Description: "Develop economic outlooks to be used in the formulation of investment strategies and portfolio structuring."
9.Institutional Sales Professional or Business Development
CFAIDescription: "Cultivate new business opportunities by marketing investment products to institutional investors. Execute trades and convey research of securities and strategies to institutional investors."
10 . Investment Strategist
CFAI Description: "Apply investment knowledge to develop and analyze investment strategies designed to achieve investor goals as part of the overall investment process."
11.Portfolio Manager
CFAI Description: "Manage clients’ investment portfolios. Responsible for investment decision-making, including security selection, industry/sector selection and portfolio construction."
12. Private Client Investment Advisor
CFAI Description: "Manage portfolios of high net-worth clients. Identify investor objectives and develop investment policies. Manage client relationships."
CFAI Description: "Academic, full-time professor or instructor at a college or university teaching investments, finance and/or economics. Other “business”course instruction does not qualify for the award of the CFA Charter."
14.Quantitative Investment or Risk Analyst
CFAI Description: "Conduct quantitative research and/or performance attribution analysis to assist portfolio managers and traders with investment decisions and risk management. Supply portfolio managers with analytical tools needed for portfolio management."
15.Real Estate Investment Manager
CFAI Description: "In the context of diversified securities portfolios, specialize in the management of real estate investments, including, developing investment policies and monitoring performance."
16.Regulator/Supervisor of Investment Firm
CFAI Description: "Oversee legal/regulatory compliance matters, perform due diligence and ensure firm compliance with all applicable federal securities laws, state statutes, regulatory agencies, and investment laws. Review and maintain investment contracts, registration statements, regulatory filings and documents."
17.Security/Investment Analyst
CFAI Description: "Analyze, value, and recommend securities in one or more asset classes (equity, fixed income, alternative investments, or derivatives)."
18.Securities Trader
CFAI Description:" Execute buy and sell transactions in investment securities. Develop and disseminate information about markets and the trading environment to securities dealers and portfolio managers."
19.Valuator of Closely Held Business
CFAI Description: "Value business/company/corporation where stock is thinly traded (or privately held) and for which the market offers limited buyers/sellers. Analyze financial statements, accounting methods, capital budget projects, acquisitions and asset sales."
20.Venture Capital Analyst
CFAI Description: "Conduct market research and analysis to solicit/raise capital for equity or debt funding, mergers, capital leasing, acquisitions or divestitures."
Step 5
Select society添加申请人的所在地协会(难度★)这里的默认选项为学员所在地的分会,以下图北京学员的申请为例:
Reference 提供推荐人信息(难度★★)
注:We require three professional references unless you have a reference from a regular member of the society to which you are applying. In that case, two professional references are required.2012年之后整个申请流程相对简化,申请人只要找到三名认识并了解你的人做推荐即可,三名人士不需要是CFA的持证人。
例:如果申请人在北京,推荐人之一隶属CFA BEIJING那么申请人只需2个推荐人即可)如果申请人和推荐人都隶属同一CFA CHINA,一个在CFA BEIJING另一个在CFA SHANGHAI的话这时仍然需要三名推荐人做推荐。
如下图在这里只需填写推荐人的姓名和邮箱信息然后点击“send email”,协会会立即将相关确认问题发送给你选择的推荐人。
当所有的推荐人完成协会所发送的问题之后,该申请状态将自动变为“Reference completed”(如下图所示)。
在可以进行一步的提交之前,这里需要等待的时间因人而异,快的同学在收到推荐人完成推荐的邮件后,资格立即变为“DONE”,而有部分申请人需要等待1-2天,其申请状态才由“In Progress”转为“DONE”,这都是正常情况。
但是请申请状态仍为“In Progress”的申请人,再次核实所选择的推荐人在人数或资格上是否满足前文中的要求。如经核实无误,就请耐心等待即可。
1.同意遵守并签署协会会员协议与《职业操守声明》(即Personal Conduct Statement);2.交纳会员费,费用包括美国总部会费和所属地区分会会费两笔:
相关标签 CFA三级 CFA二级 CFA一级